
Saturday, May 2, 2009

I'VE MOVED PIGSTERS. shy-l.blogspot.com
relink please.(:

what we could have been, 2:19 PM.

oh. I changed my skin. Got sickof the old one lol. oh my com is lagging! oh i'm tired of this url, yes i am going to change it. to http://shy-l.blogspot.com . you can start linking me already, the blog's up. just no posts and stuff. well. so there. i shant be posting here anymore. i think. oh what a waste of time. i went through all the trouble to change the skin, and then i'm not using it. am i an idiot. (:
i'll be leaving this blog here. heeh(: all the happy memories(: maybe i'll show this to my children next time awahahaha.
bye bloggy.
you pigster.

tag replies:

30 Apr 09, 22:46
elizabelle<3: ellos!tag:)had fun playing captain's ball today:p heard u injured ur leg, u ok?
oh yep fun(: oh it wasn't a big deal. my ankle just sort of twisted itself again but the liagament's already so stretched that i hardly felt anything lol. hm that isn't really a good thing. look forward to playing captains ball again soon aheee(: first pe ive had this year if you exclude the swimmings. which i misse half anyway due to my eye lol
27 Apr 09, 20:23
shar: i wanna go out with you! make time during school hols or last week of sch kay?
YESYESYESYES! i thought you'd all forget about me. seemed like you all forgotme already )< heh(: imy!
25 Apr 09, 13:43
xue wenn <3: there you go ! ;X
xue wenn <3: oh gosh im so sad u nvr link me !!! LINK MEEEEEEEEEEEEE D;
xue wenn <3: yo lydiia ! ;D TAG !!
:D i've linked you! :D
23 Apr 09, 19:56
sici:D: hehe, im tagging agn:D
yes you are, i can see that. did i mention i've finally linked you? :D miss me? i miss trainings poooo )<
21 Apr 09, 23:16
Sheena: HAHAHAHA BOOOOPEEEEEE LOL. yah i still waiting for my belated present xD
20 Apr 09, 23:50
val ;D: to end of.......................... I LOVE YOU LAH ;D be honoured okay stupid woman! see u 2morrow ;D
val ;D: so yah. n bs! hmm. i hope we will gt more n more orders day by day lah hor. hahas,
val ;D: yeah yeah yeah i will miss u n everyone else lah. so sad. bt at least our training days r the same rite?? somemore same venue most of the time. hahas.
val ;D: hey u stupid woman! copy my smiley face. bleah!
oh i'm smarter than you :D yay ily too -awwwww
19 Apr 09, 16:42
17 Apr 09, 22:01
>( dont learn from that sickass eugene! that sc is not model student :D
17 Apr 09, 19:01
sici:D: ahha
sici:D: hi lydia! i want the eeyore! hehe juz kidding:D i want the head!
you wait, i'll chop your head off and give it to eeyore! as a birthday present(: i've linked you btw hee

what we could have been, 1:14 AM.




rv cross country
swimmer (?)


get one from cbox!
▪ presents
▪ presents
▪ new bag
▪ white/red/green earpiece/headphones
▪ bi-cul ._. (ok i'm alien) ▪ higher gpa ><
Amanda Andrea Anna Brandon ChangMing Chloe ChingWei Cleeo Darwin Della Elizabelle Esther FoongHui Gail Genevieve Grace HonEng HueyChyi HuiEr Irene Isabelle Jamie Janis Jerome JingYi Jireh JoanneC JoanneL Jonathan KahChin KahKah Kelly Lynn MeiHui Michelle MingHong Natalie Nicholine Nicole Nobelle PeiHua Ramizah ShaoHao Sharley Sheena SeokYin SeyChee ShiJing ShouFong SiCi SiuMin Stephanie Valerie WanXin WanZhen WeiKai WeiLi WeiYing Wendy XinMin XinNi XiYing XueWen Yanning YingTeng YiXuan YuJia YuTing YuXian ZhenYu ZhongWei ZhongWen 1c'08 RVXCcdiv08 RVcarrots IrritatingBlog
September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.